Doctor's Degree Program (Later course for doctor's degree)

   Those who hold a Master's degree or who are recognized by the Graduate School to have an equivalent or superior academic standing can apply for admission to the Doctor's Degree Program. The Doctor's Degree Program consists of five highly-integrated departments including one to three division(s) of research fields as follows:

Department of Geosciences, Geotechnology, and Materials Engineering for Resources

Division of Earth Sciences

Division of Technology for Resources and Environment

Division of Environmental and Resource Recycle Technology

Department of Life Science

Division of Life Science

Department of Advanced Materials Engineering

Division of Advanced Materials Engineering

Division of Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Department of Production and Civil Engineering

Division of Production System Engineering

Division of Civil Engineering

Division of Welfare System Engineering

Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Systems Engineering

Division of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering

Division of Electronic and Computer Systems Engineering

   Each division contains three to four fields of instruction and research. A degree of  Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Resources Science or Doctor of Science, depending on the nature of study, will be granted to a candidate who has acquired all the required credits and successfully completed a doctoral dissertation and the final examination.

   We welcome foreign students to apply for entrance to the Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science, where there are always openings for international students beyond the officially limited enrollment. You are advised to contact the Graduate School Affair Section of the Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science for detailed information.