Department of Advanced Materials Engineering

   Substances or materials play an essential part in modern technology. The progress of science and technology heavily depends on the wide variety of the functions of materials and the proper choices when processing to fabricate new substances. The ability to integrate various strands of knowledge with keen creativity is vital for the future development of materials engineering. Fundamental knowledge also remains important in each specific area of metallic engineering, industrial inorganic chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, and chemical engineering. It is necessary to understand and control the macroscopic properties and functions of a material from a microscopic interpretation based on such elementary constituents as molecules, atoms, ions, and electrons, with their bonds and associated structures.

   Presently the department offers two divisions: Advanced Materials Engineering, and Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The course encourages students to study integrated concepts from the fundamentals to the applications that involve advanced materials engineering: namely, physical properties and chemical activities, production processes, and analysis / synthesis of new functional materials. The final goal is to educate students to do their best in becoming researchers and engineers responsible for the future materials-engineering world.

Division of Advanced Materials Engineering

   All materials have their own characteristic properties. For the development of new advanced functional materials, an important issue is to understand which properties are needed for advanced materials to fulfill specific functions.

   This division offers a program of education and research on controlling and evaluating physical and chemical properties of new advanced functional materials. It also deals with fabrication technology and process design for developing manufacturing processes in the production of newly advanced materials with required functions.

Division of Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

   Construction of various industrial and environmental processes based on the concept of the so-called Green Sustainable Chemistry, where full consideration is given to the preservation of the global environment and to the safety of the social environment, is an important requirement in our age. This division focuses on chemistry and chemical engineering, and is concerned with design and specific analyses of substances on the atomic, molecular, and clustered levels.

   More specifically, our aims can be described as follows.

  1. To grasp the essential nature of the mechanism whereby physical properties and functions of substances are generated, and where environmental problems arise;
  2. To stimulate a strong awareness of the need to preserve the global environment and to ensure the safety of the social environment;
  3. To create new sophisticated materials while considering the environment and to develop high technology for their use;
  4. To encourage pioneering research and education in fields of engineering with the aim of creating sustainable chemical and environmental processes;
  5. To carry out research and education of an interdisciplinary-project type that cuts across different fields of research.

   Through research and education in this division it is hoped that doctoral students will acquire a broad outlook that enables them to seek harmony between the global environment on the one hand and science and technology on the other. Another major purpose of this division is to have students acquire a well-rounded human nature that is concerned with preserving the natural environment while respecting life, while also having a cosmopolitanism that will enable them to understand cultures and languages other than their own.


Division Advanced Materials Engineering
Field of Instruction and Research Quality Faculty Member Instruction Subject
Quantum Materials Engineering Physics of Advanced Magnetic Materials and their Application for Information Storage, Sensors and Other Advanced Devices Prof.
Shunji Ishio *2
Physical Properties of Advanced Magnetic Materials
Properties and their Control in Materials Composed of Nanostructure Prof.
Kaichi Saito
Nanostructure Science and Engineering
Fine Structures, Crystal Fields and Quantum Interference in Optical Crystals Prof.
Nobuhiro Kodama
Optical Properties of Crystals
Structure and Magnetic Properties of Advanced Magnetic Materials and their Evaluation Methods Prof.
Hitoshi Saito
Advanced Magnetic Materials
Associate Prof. Satoru
Advanced Magnetic Thin Films
Chemistry of Materials Mechanisms of Ceramic-ceramic and Ceramic-metal Reactions and their Control Prof.
Hitoshi Taimatsu
Chemical Kinetics of Ceramics
Education and Research on the Relationship between Materials Surface Science and Chemical Surface Function as Electrocatalysis, Corrosion Resistance and Photo-excited Reactivity Prof.
Motoi Hara
Materials Surface
Research and Education on the Functional Materials for Batteries and Electrodes of Electrolytic Processing Prof.
Masami Taguchi
Electrode Reaction
Education and Research of Designing for Chemical Reaction of Non-organic Materials and Estimation of Properties Associate Prof.
Yoshiyuki Sato
Design of High-temperature
Properties and Applications of Electrochemical Devices Lecturer
Akihiro Nino
Electrochemistry of Materials
Michihisa Fukumoto
Interface Controlling Technology
Materials Processing and Development Development of Functional Materials Studied by Solidification Processing, with Topics on Manufacturing, Evaluation, and Technology Trends of Newly Developed Advanced Materials Prof.
Setsuo Aso
Solidification Process Engineering
Ken-ichi Ohsasa
Control of Materials Structure
Occurrence of High Performance in Inorganic Materials by Synergetic Structural Control via Powder Processes Prof.
Shigeo Hayashi
Advanced Design of Inorganic Materials
Mechanical Properties and Producing Processes of Structural Materials Made of Metals, Ceramics or their Composites Lecturer
Yukinobu Natsume
Advanced Science for Structural Materials
Manufacturing Processes and Material Evaluation of High-functional Materials using Plastic Working Associate Prof.
Ken-ichi Ohguchi
Advanced Science and Engineering for Metalworking
Manufacturing Processes and Material Evaluation of High Temperature Oxide Superconductors Associate Prof.
Xiaoye Lu
Advanced Processing of Superconducting Materials
Division Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Field of Instruction and Research Quality Faculty Member Instruction Subject
Environmental Molecular Design Chemistry Molecular Design and Development of New Organic Synthetic Strategy Focusing on Supramolecular and Enzyme-modeling Prof.
Fumio Hamada *1
Advanced Molecular
Synthetic Chemistry
Reaction and Molecular Design of Reactive Polymers, Molecular Assembly, and Functional Gels for Biomimetic and Environmental Applications   Chemistry of Reactive Polymers
Design, Preparation and Evaluation of Target Functions of Organic Macromolecules Prof.
Mitsutoshi Jikei
Environmental Chemical Process Engineering Advanced Topics Focusing on Industrial Resources Conversion, Materials
Processing and Recycling for Earthfriendly Process Design
Kenzo Munakata
Advanced Topics of
Chemical Reaction
Chemical Reaction Process Design Focusing on Resource Utilization, New
Energy Development and Advanced Material Engineering
Katsuyasu Sugawara
Solid Reaction Process Engineering
Development of Conversion Process of Carbon Resources to Energy and High Functional Materials Prof.
Kenji Murakami
Carbon Resource
Environmental Materials Engineering Structural Characterization and Mechanistic Analysis of Function Expression and Application to Green Sustainable Technology on ordered Porous Materials and Solid Catalysts   Analysis and
Engineering for
Materials Function
Preparation and Structural Analysis of Inorganic Materials Based on Metal Oxides Associate Prof.
Sumio Kato
Crystal Structure
Design of Inorganic
Advanced Processes of Inorganic Materials Based on Carbons, and Evaluation of Thermal, Biological and Environment Characteristics   Advanced Topics of Functional Inorganic Materials

*1 This professor will retire by the mandatory retirement regulation in March 2015.
*2 This professor will retire by the mandatory retirement regulation in March 2016.