Department of Life Science

 After decoding full human genomic DNA sequence, research in the field of the life science, such as specification of various disease oriented genes, design and development of new medicines has been greatly developed. The department of Life Science is comprised of one division: Life Science. This department provides outstanding education and research training related to the following diverse subjects by combining Chemistry, Chemical Biology and Molecular Cell Biology. The department aims to train researchers and scientists who contribute to establish sustainable society in the world.

Division Life Science
Field of Instruction and Research Quality Faculty Member Instruction Subject
Chemistry and Chemical Biology Structural and functional analyses of industrially and medically important proteins, Development of nanotechnology oriented bioelectrochemical devices, and Exploiting sensing techniques for biomolecules and biological cells. Prof.
Nobuaki Ogawa *2
Advanced Analytical Chemistry
Masafumi Odaka
Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Associate Prof.
Yoshiaki Amatatsu
Advanced Theoretical LifeScience
Associate Prof.
Uichi Akiba
Advanced Bio-Electronic Chemistry
Associate Prof.
Kazuhiko Fujiwara
Analytical Chemistry
Yoshihiko Kondo
Structural Organic Chemistry
Molecular Cell Biology Characterization of Disease Oriented Genes and Proteins, and Study of Physiological Functions of Molecular Chaperones in Protein Folding. Prof.
Hideaki Itoh
Molecular Biological Chemistry
Hiroshi Kubota
Cell Biology
Hideki Wakui
Disease Biology
Associate Prof.
Wataru Nunomura
Bio-Organic Chemistry

*2 This professor will retire by the mandatory retirement regulation in March 2016.