Department of Mechanical Engineering

  It is needless to say that Mechanical Engineering is a fundamental field of engineering, supporting the activities of industries at any age and any place. However, together with the recent remarkable development of computers, electronics and its applied technologies, mechanical industries have been abruptly oriented to information, reduction of labor, and automation concerns. Today, industries are required to make products having a high value reasonably and effectively while using less energy, by developing and applying highly functional materials. Furthermore, Mechanical Engineering is expected to contribute to aging and welfare community issues in order to make our lives more comfortable.
  To meet the above needs, this department provides education and study related to the following wide variety of  subjects by combining the former mechanical engineering, electronics-information technology, and bioengineering. The subjects covered by the department are automation and the high reliability of design and production systems, the development of optimum control technology for human-mechanical systems, the development of technologies for transport, conversion and application of thermal and fluid energy, the development of new engineering materials and their evaluation and manufacturing methods, new aspects of micro-engineering based on quantum mechanics and atomic physics, as well as assistive technology for the disabled, and sports engineering. Thus, the department aims at training researchers and engineers who contribute to the human society.


Division Mechanical Engineering Science
Field of Instruction and Research Quality Faculty Member Instruction Subject
Microscopic Mechanism of Materials Applications of Atomic Physics on Microscopic Mechanisms and Materials, Micro-behavior of Materials, and Computational Analysis in Solid Mechanics for the Evaluation of Advanced Composite Materials Prof.
Eiji Uegaki *1
Basic Atomic Technology
Yotsugi Shibuya
Advanced Solid Mechanics
Mikio Muraoka
Micro/Nano Materials
Associate Prof.
Yoshiyuki Yamamoto
Advanced Applied Electromagnetism
Associate Prof.
Makoto Yamaguchi
Characterization of
Subsurface Structure
Division Mechanical Dynamics
Field of Instruction and Research Quality Faculty Member Instruction Subject
Thermal and Fluid Engineering Ice Melting and Water Freezing, Theory and Application for Energy Conversion and Basic Investigation for Non-Newto-nian Fluid and its Application   Numerical Heat Transfer
Masahide Nakamura
Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
Makoto Tago
Advanced Natural Convection Heat Transfer
Associate Prof.
Hiroaki Hasegawa
Unsteady Fluid Dynamics and Flow Control
Associate Prof.
Takahiro Adachi
Heat Transfar
Yoshimi Komatsu
and Fluid Dynamics
Vacuum System Engineering Analysis and practical Application for the Mechanism of Rarefied Gas Flow Lecturer
Wataru Sugiyama
Molecular Gas Motion
Division Systems Design
Field of Instruction and Research Quality Faculty Member Instruction Subject
Engineering Materials


Materials Science from Micro to Macro Aspects and Joining of Materials and Estimation of Strength and Fracture Toughness Prof.
Osamu Kamiya
Advanced Engineering Materials
  Advanced Mechanics of Materials

Associate Prof.
Mamoru Takahashi

Micro Processing
Elastic Systems of Dynamics for Design Applied Mathematical Design for Environmental Oriented Elastic Systems

Associate Prof.
Yasumasa Miyano

Applied Mathematics for Mechanical Design
Nano-Metrology Ultra-Precision Measurement using Software Datum Associate Prof.
Eiki Okuyama
Advanced Sensors Engineering
Surface Engineering Synthesization and Design of Micro-Nano Fabricated Surface and its Protect Coating Associate Prof.
Takayuki Tokoroyama
Advanced Course on Functional
Surface Engineering
Engineering of Waves Propagation Behavior of Elastic Waves for Composite Material and Application to the Non-Destructive Inspection   Advanced Dynamics of Mechanical Waves
Division Robotics and Welfare Engineering
Field of Instruction and Research Quality Faculty Member Instruction Subject
Vibration-Control Engineering Dynamics of mechanical systems and its application to welfare problems, and vibration engineering, wind and seismic problems. Prof.
Hitoshi Doki
Advanced Vibration Control
Associate Prof.
Yoshiki Sugawara
Advanced Vibration  Engineering
Computer Controlled Systems Controller Design for Electro Mechanical Systems Prof.
Akihiro Naganawa
Advanced Control
Takeshi Seki
Design of Digital
Control System
Intelligent Control Engineering The Theory of Control Design of Intelligent Mechanical Systems and the Application to Medical Devices Associate Prof.
Yoshihiro Sasaki
Actuator Engineering
Kiyoshi Hirose
The Education and Research on the Elucidation of a Physical Movement Mechanism, and the Application to its Medical Treatment and Welfare Field Associate Prof.
Takehiro Iwami

*1 This professor will retire by the mandatory retirement regulation in March 2015.