The Graduate School of Mining and Engineering (Master's Degree Program) was established in 1965. Its primary concerns were : (1) to provide outstanding teaching, (2) to make possible exceptional study and research in advanced programs to meet the present-day needs of the industrial and technological world for highly trained engineers and researchers. Much of research in the fields of mining and engineering has been highly evaluated both in and outside of Japan. Graduate students have made great contributions to the research in these fields. In 1994, a three-year Doctor's Degree Program was added to the Graduate School, providing programs for graduate study and research to help students acquire professional-level knowledge and the ability to solve interdisciplinary problems. At the same time, the current Master's Degree Program was reorganized to match the department system of that time, and the name of the School was modified. In 2002, it is renewed to the Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science. The faculty and graduate study are changed to the state of art of engineering and resource science.